Bishop Eddie Long Allegedly Settles for $15 Million; Does Innocence Cost That Much?

Bishop Eddie Long Allegedly Settles for $15 Million; Does Innocence Cost That Much?
Bishop Eddie L. Long settled his sexual lawsuit with his four accusers for a whopping $15 million, so says hip-hop icon Big Boi. The one-half of the seminal rap group OutKast tweeted yesterday that he found out the pastor of the suburban Atlanta-based New Birth Missionary Baptist Church shelled out that amount. And the famously blunt rapper had a few harsh words for the embattled minister.

“Eddie long settled for 15 million!!! Innocence don’t cost that much,” Big Boi said via Twitter. “The flock Is f—-d.”

Bishop Eddie Long Allegedly Settles for $15 Million; Does Innocence Cost That Much?

Big Boi, aka, Antwan Patton, did not divulge where he procured this information from. Needless to say, the tweet was re-tweeted more than a 100 times and caused an uproar on the cyberspace giant.

Mr. Eddie “I will fight this” Long, stood in front of a packed congregation of more than 10,000 and a bevy of media outlets and vowed to fight the character-assassinating charges of luring young men into homosexual encounters, wielding his powerful position as well as gifts, living quarters, cars and extravagant international excursions.

It was also said that when the young men, then teenage boys, objected to Long’s continued perversion or when the bishop tired of them, he discarded them with the same dispassionate behavior of a person throwing a piece of paper in the garbage. They no longer existed to him, as if they were never born. Not only is this damning, it can be career-killing.

With so much at stake, and the bishop’s categorical proclamation of his innocence, you would think that he would take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court if need be. But, as someone illuminated to me in the comment section of a previous story on this salacious subject, Long was very worried about going to trial and having other scandalous behavior unveiled to the public. During the discovery phase of the trial, we would really understand where and how Long procures his lavish lifestyle, including a multimillion-dollar home, luxury cars and expensive overseas trips that included many staff members and other improprieties and infidelities at various junctures of his tenure at New Birth.

It would have been a bloodbath, some surmise. Long would have had to seek asylum in another country if what he had done was leaked into the public consciousness. The bishop had no choice but to settle. And that, in and of itself, raises very disturbing questions about his uninterrupted reign over New Birth, in light of what has transpired thus far.

terry shropshire

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