
Favorite ‘Biggest Loser’ recipes

Want to lose weight like those on “The Biggest Loser?”  Well, there’s no secret formula or magical pill just hard work and healthy eating. Sounds simple

St. Patrick’s Day recipes

St. Patrick’s Day food recipes  St. Patrick’s Day 2013 is officially in full swing and a number of people are celebrating the luck of the

Best food apps for iPhone

Whether you are a chef at heart or a professional at ordering takeout, iPhone offers a multitude of apps that will help you gather recipes

Harlem School of the Arts honors Herb Alpert

In recognition of American music icons Herb Alpert and Lani Hall Alpert, whose philanthropy through the Herb Alpert Foundation since 2010 totals $6 million, Harlem

Yoga stretches to help you de-stress

Whether mental or physical, stress has an adverse effect on health. Life has its ups and downs, highs and lows. When the lows take a

Famous gay and bisexual writers

As with many facets of entertainment, gay authors have had to work doubly hard for recognition in the literary world. But a number of LGBT