The Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation Lets Young Women Know Why They Rule the World


The state of Georgia has the highest number of high school dropouts and third highest prostitution rates among teenage girls in the country. Comedian and radio personality Steve Harvey and his wife, Marjorie, decided that they needed to do something to change those daunting statistics through their Girls Who Rule the World mentoring program.

Girls Who Rule the World is the brainchild of Majorie Harvey, president of the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation. Her mission is to foster excellence in children of all ages and ensure that children’s needs are met through service and resources.

To that end, Marjorie Harvey, along with Sherri Shepherd, co-host of “The View”; singer Keri Hilson; actresses Terri Vaughn and Wendy Raquel Robinson; and Essence magazine’s Mikki Taylor, spent a weekend with 100 young women to equip them with the resources and education that they’ll need in order to be successful.

Sponsored by State Farm as a part of its commitment to support the future of America’s youth, the group spent three days participating in seminars, workshops, team building activities, and a talent show, all focused on increasing self-reliance and boosting self-esteem. The talent show was presented by the girls and hosted by Shirley Strawberry of the “Steve Harvey Morning Show” and Perri “Pebbles” Reid.

“Girls Who Rule The World is designed to offer these girls [the] life skills needed to overcome teenage obstacles and establish a path to success,” says Marjorie Harvey.

Some of the subjects that attendees learned about were, professional etiquette, appropriate dress, and even making the right sexual choices that decrease health risks. On the final day the culminating activity for the young women was a keynote speech by Essence magazine’s Mikki Taylor, followed by words from the man himself, Steve Harvey.


“I am so pleased and thrilled about the showing for the first annual Girls Who Rule the World. This weekend showed me how much we can truly accomplish when we put our minds, hearts and resources together,” says Marjorie Harvey.

christa e. jackson

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