African Americans

3 winning numbers for better health

To live a healthy life, you have to play the numbers game. With early detection and by knowing three numbers related to your blood pressure,

Connecting to your heritage with Gina Paige

I have had the honor of interacting with a number of people who have received their ancestry results. One of the most memorable reveals was with a graduate student at the University of Maryland. Even before taking an African Ancestry MatriClan Test, he was convinced that his maternal ancestry was Sierra Leonean.

Are African Americans happy being mediocre?

If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water he’ll jump out; however, if you put him in a pot of cold water and slowly increase the temperature, he adjusts to the increasing heat until his system can no longer compensate. Then, stressed and overwhelmed with what he has endured, he dies. The frog will stay in the increasingly unhealthy, dangerous situation because it happened gradually over time and he ignored his natural ability to sense the danger and get out of the situation. Are African Americans behaving like this frog?

Lil Boosie hates black people?

Rapper Lil Boosie’s recent comments have brought a significant amount of criticism for the Louisiana hip-hop star. During an appearance on “NiteCap” with Peter Bailey, Boosie spoke about crime, the glorification of prison and racism

‘This Fragile Life’ book review

Dealing with a heartbreaking illness A mother’s story of a bipolar son This Fragile Life Award-winning professor Charlotte Pierce-Baker is the mother and author of

What sequestration means for African Americans

In nine days, the U.S. government enact automatic spending cuts due to what is called sequestration. Specifically speaking, the sequester refers to the drastic and

Blacks and diabetes: Signs and symptoms

Diabetes is a major killer of blacks. Many Africans Americans including Halle Berry, former Miss America and “Desperate Housewives” star Vanessa Williams, Damon Dash and