
10 solid ways to get in shape over 35

So you want to eat better and get into shape? That’s great… Just one problem… You don’t know how! It’s OK; we’ve all been there.

Cuba ends mother-to-child HIV transmission

There is great news out of Cuba in the fight against HIV. The World Health Organization announced late last week that Cuba has become the first country to

Coach Kenya Catlin stresses good health

The African American community is riddled with health issues. According to The Department of Health and Human Services Office, “African American adults are 80 percent

Holly Lowe Jones shares 5 tips for better workouts

To succeed in reaching your fitness goals, effective time-management is essential. Most people have to juggle their fitness goals with their family commitments and career demands among other

Fit Fridays with Holly Lowe Jones: 3 benefits of fasting (or eating less often)

For years, I lived by the “eat more frequently” mantra.

As a personal trainer, I even urged my clients to eat every two to three hours, in an effort to boost their metabolism. My belief in this weight-loss method was founded in my own experience. I’d gone from being a pudgy adolescent to a fit and trim fitness buff and competitive triathlete.