Pitbull’s sexy protégée, Veronica Vega, opens up

Pitbull's sexy protégée, Veronica Vega, opens up

Sometimes you’ve just got to trust yourself.

Cuban-Venezuelan-American singer Veronica Vega knew that she wanted to pursue a musical career, but explaining that dream to her parents, who had emigrated to America from their respective countries to make better lives for themselves, was a daunting task in and of itself. “I’ve always wanted to sing but because my parents come from different countries and they’re looking out for a better opportunity in the States, they preferred me to be a doctor or go to school and get a diploma and have a real job,” the 20-year old explains. At 13 years old, she told her mother her dreams. “I just became brave enough and confident in myself to say that was what I wanted to do.”

Vega is the protégé of Miami hip-hop superstar Pitbull and super producer Polow Da Don. And the cultural richness of her Miami hometown is evident in her musical approach. “Living in Miami and being raised and influenced by a lot of different cultures puts me in a melting pot,” she explains. “Not only mine, and not only Spanish — Caribbean and island cultures, immigrants in general. It’s in my music and it’s who I am.”

And being molded by two industry heavyweights has helped refine that diverse palette and give Vega a sound that is uniquely her own. She says that she’s learned a lot just from being around Pitbull and Polow. “Both of them are really hard workers,” she says. “More than what they say is what they do. How they behave. Definitely working hard is the biggest thing. No matter what, as long as you work hard, no matter what you lack — that hard work always comes through and always shines. They’re both the hardest working people I’ve ever met.”

“Working with Vega has been a life changing experience — culturally, musically and spiritually,” shares Polow. “With all that I know about music, I’ve been just as much a student during the process of this project. This project opens my eyes to how big the world really is.”

And Vega is soaking up all that she can. Despite being a newcomer, she’s already developed a strong perspective and understands who she is. “What I’ve learned the most is about myself — not the industry,” she reveals. “Believe in yourself and be confident and it’s not about anybody taking that away from you. That’s what I’ve learned the most being in this industry. It’s not about someone else. It’s all internal.”

“I feel like, ultimately, everybody in life is searching for happiness,” she adds. “Mine has been in my music. It’s something that I would never sacrifice — because sometimes we sacrifice happiness for other people. The most important thing for me is being fulfilled inside.”

And she knows that achieving her goals will make her parents proudest of her — despite any early reservations. “To see [them] come here to live a better life, it influences the way that I work,” Vega says. “Because they came here for opportunity and me not doing what they would prefer me to do, the harder I work, the better I become and the prouder I will make them.”

Click to check out some of Veronica Vega’s hottest Instagram pics …

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