Hip-Hop Gadget Junkies Square Off:

Once again, Apple has unleashed the latest iPhone on the populace. The brand spanking new iPhone 3GS is designed to compete with the acclaimed Palm Pre.


iphoneFor the first time, the 3GS will able to record and edit video, and send the video clips to a buddy via MMS. It includes a three-meg autofocus camera that has a touch screen and a specialized focus. You can also, thankfully, finally cut, copy and paste images, URLs and text. And you can remotely erase data from the phone and later restore it. You can also use iTunes on the backed up files on your computer.

Soon, in a feature that’s available internationally but not yet in the USA, you will be able to connect to a laptop to access the Web over the cell phone network.

palm pre

So how does the Palm Pre compare? Launched merely days before the latest iPhone 3GS, the Pre was greeted with high anticipation. But despite its lofty promotions and the positive reception from consumers, the iPhone looks to steal the Pre’s thunder. More people own and are familiar with iPhones now, and the brand is just too iconic for Palm to compete. With that being said, the Pre can synch with Apple’s iTunes, and is the first phone running on the new Palm webOS™ mobile platform. Pre’s WHERE technology also provides local content — including everything from the weather, restaurant reviews and news to affordable gas and movie times, plus you can connect with other users on the WHERE Wall.

So who will win the Gadget Wars? Has the power of Palm been surpassed by all things iPhone? First week sales tallies should be coming soon — but until then, what are you using? –todd williams

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