The billionaire has been unseated by a … Mexican! He’s a telecom magnate named Carlos Slim. According to Forbes magazine, Slim is worth approximately $53.5 billion, while Gates is worth a measly $53 billion.
This is only the second time in 15 years that Gates has failed to win the top spot, with Slim froggy hopping over Gates and Warren Buffet to steal the slot.
Slim began his ascension back in the 1990s when he bought Mexico’s national telephone company for little to nothing. Since then he’s stuck his hands in every pot he possibly could to grow his wealth, and it apparently worked.
Now that we have some color at the very top, it makes you wonder how blacks fair overall. Well, and it’s no surprise, Oprah still leads the pack with around $3 billion, which is no where near the top of the heap. Kinda gives new meaning to the “mo” part of mogul! We still have a long way to go. –gerald radford