Kanye West Apologizes to Taylor Swift One Year Later — Taylor Should Accept

altOne year after Kanye West’s liquor-laced debacle at the MTV Awards reduced him to something close to a diseased rodent and transformed Taylor Swift into pop’s victimized sweetheart, he gives a heartfelt apology to the country superstar.

In a series of tweets that were alternately moving and rambling, the multitalented musician and cultural outcast delivers a mea culpa to his fans, Beyonce and Taylor and asks for his fans’ forgiveness. Swift should go ahead and publicly accept Kanye’s apology so that we can all put this sorry episode behind us.

Check out what Kanye has to say via Twitter:

I’m sorry Taylor.

It starts with this…

I want to win there hearts back so I can continue to bring my take on culture to the masses with a clean opinion.

I want to help starting with the music and ending with the smile.

I wish they could accept that I’ve grown and only want to do good for the world. I want to help as many people as I can

I wish they could accept that I’ve grown and only want to do good for the world. I want to help as many people as I can.

I wish they all knew how much I really cared about music and pop culture and art and peoples feelings.

I wish I could talk to every hater face to face and change there a opinion of me one conversation at a time.

I’ve hurt, I’ve bled, I’ve learned. I only want to do good. I am passionate I am human I am real. I wish I could meet every hater

When I right songs like Heartless I always say “is this melody good enough to be a country song or a broadway song?”


Why was it made into such a race issue. Taylor loves rap music… I love country music.

There’s a layer of… Entertainment… we are entertainers and this is only TV… not the War

There’s a layer of… hey Kanye said what I was thinking

A year later where do we stand?


Walk with me people… let’s break this down for real now. I might get in trouble again lol?


You’ve got the Media play… Who benefitted off of the moment?

You’ve got a layer of… What is reality? You really want this guy to die over an award show???!! wooooooow …..

You’ve got a layer of order… this is how things are spose to go this is how it’s always been etc.

If I speak in 3rd person it’s because I’m quoting people sometimes I forget to put the quotations you know my grammar..

You’ve got the top layer… Kanye’s rude!

Why are there so many tweets? Well this isn’t a simple subject. There are layers to this beyond me running on stage.

Humanity and Empathy are 2 of the 4 principles at facebook. Those were the 2 principles I was missing on that evening

These tweets have no manager, no publicist , no grammar checking… this is raw

It feels like the movie Heat when you wanted Deniro to make it… You want the bad guy to make it.

These aren’t regular tweets… this is stream of consciousness … I want you guys to know and feel where my head is at…

Beyonce didn’t need that. MTV didn’t need that and Taylor and her family friends and fans definitely didn’t want or need that.

I am not a bad person. Even in that moment I was only trying to do good but people don’t always need my help.

When I woke up from the crazy nightmare I looked in the mirror and said GROW UP KANYE … I take the responsibility for my actions

Yes I was that guy. A 32 year old child.

It is distasteful to cut people off as a general rule. What’s the point of dressing tastefully if I’m going to act the complete opposite?

With new found humility … who am I to run on stage? I would never ever again in a million years do that. Sorry to let you down

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