Bahamas Travel Thoughts: 3 Quick Points

Bahamas Travel Thoughts: 3 Quick Points

Around these parts, travel thoughts are normally reserved for our esteemed publisher Munson Steed. But today, I’ve decided to borrow his platform to share three quick points that I’ve gathered from my time in the Bahamas.

Travel Is Really Important

Sadly, there are some who have lived an existence confined to their neighborhoods. They grow up in the local school system, work in the same area, get married to a former classmate, and die without ever venturing outside of their zip code. This story is told often, and it speaks to American’s lack of understanding and compassion for the world beyond our borders. Perhaps if we traveled more, then our perspective would be enhanced, and we’d understand that America is not the pinnacle of existence. We would then begin to respect other cultures in the same way that we demand respect. But much of that mindset can only be achieved through travel and experience.

We Should All Adopt A Bohemian Mind-Set

At every juncture of my time here, I’ve been greeted with a “good morning sir” … “how is everything going?”… “It’s nice to meet you.”  Now you may have been thinking that those acts of verbal kindness came from workers in and around my hotel. You would be off-base, though. That warmness came from the residents of Nassau — people who don’t directly derive and benefit from me, but who just wanted to extend a greeting to a potential new friend.

This mindset is sorely lacking in the US. We often look at each other through the eyes of distrust, refusing to extend a helping hand to a total stranger. Who knows, maybe life would be just a little more bearable if we would adopt this type of warm approach towards our fellow man.

Take a Moment to Smell Life’s Roses

While walking to the beach yesterday, I passed a young married couple in the midst of a lively discussion. “Put your phone down, we’re in the Bahamas for God’s sake!” The passionate words came from the wife who was growing increasingly frustrated by her husband’s refusal to turn his phone off and enjoy himself. This happens all too often. By refusing to disconnect from work, and subsequently reconnect with both his wife and himself, this man was traveling down a road that will lead to exhaustion and unhappiness.

The fact is, you can’t let your job rule your life. Your emotional well-being and your connection to those most important to you cannot be understated. Should you work hard in life? Absolutely. But you should also work equally as hard at finding moments to stop and enjoy life and the people in it.

**I’ll be sure to come back with more travel thoughts as they come to me. –dewayne rogers

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