A New Approach to Heartbreak and Sadness

A New Approach to Heartbreak and SadnessA close friend was recently hit with a disturbing amount of bad news. Now, it wasn’t the death of a loved one or a terminal medical diagnosis, but it sure felt that way — at least it did to me. 

As she cried to me over the phone, the knots in my stomach tightened to the point where it began to cut off my circulation, making it hard to breathe as she poured her heart out.

“Why is this happening to me,” she wailed.

There was silence on my end of the phone…

We now stand at five days since that call, and I still don’t have an answer to her question. As smart and as logical as I can be at times, I have yet to arrive at any type of answer that would make her situation feel any less excruciating.

So, I kept my mouth shut.

Instead, I just called from time to time to check on her and to let her know that I loved her. We didn’t bring up her situation … not one time. And in some ways, it almost felt like she appreciated the reprieve from the heavy subject matter.

This morning, I decided to call to see how she was doing, and I could hear a hint of life in her voice that was absent in days past. It was apparent that time and faith in a higher power were slowly renewing her strength.

What’s interesting is that I feel the same way about a large majority of the pitfalls, obstacles and downright terrible things that happen to us as it pertains to love and relationships. So many times, we try to search for the right thing to say or the right way to fix our problems when all we need to do is just give it time and believe in the ability of someone greater than ourselves to heal our hearts.

And I know that’s easier said than done … trust me, I know. I’ve had my fair share of instances where I’ve tried to singularly heal my heart, only to make things worse and dig myself into a deeper canyon of despair.

But those days are, prayerfully, behind me.  I can only hope that you’ll agree to take a similar leap of faith and join me in this liberating mindset.

As a side note, I’d like to share a song that has always done wonders for me whenever I found myself in these types of situations. If you’re currently going through it, I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.

**DeWayne Rogers is the author of The Fly Guy Chronicles; love advice will never be the same.

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