Six years ago Myles Miller started his career as the managing editor for politics at Children’s PressLine, and in 2006 he was the youngest journalist ever to report from the White House when he served as an official correspondent for Hearst Television’s Teen Kids News.
Now 17, Myles has made an indelible mark on the world as he pursues his dream of being a broadcast journalist—a dream he is well on his way to fulfilling.
Not only has this impressive young man reported for International Business Times, Examiner.com and the Daily News, he has provided on air commentary for the CBS Early Show, BBC World News Service, PBS News Hour and C-SPAN. The New York Times city room blog described the up-and-coming newsman as a reporter who “speaks with the panache of someone who has covered politics for decades.” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called him “president material.”
At a time of year when teenagers around the country were focused on who to take to prom, Miller was adding yet another title to his lengthy resume: Associate Editor for the Huffington Post. For those who don’t know how impressive that is, HuffingtonPost.com is an uber-successful news website and blog that is read daily by millions worldwide. The site was recently acquired by AOL for $315 million.
At the rate this young man is going, it shouldn’t be long before we are hearing the name Myles Miller every night as the lead correspondent on a nationally broadcast news program.