‘Basketball Wives’ Reunion Part 1 Recap: 5 Best Moments

'Basketball Wives' Reunion Part 1 Recap: 5 Best Moments

Kesha and Tami Rehash Their Feud

The first major moment of the night came when Kesha and Tami had to relive their explosive feud on camera. Tami continued to claim that she was offended by the fact that Kesha ignored her request to voice any problems with her and not other people. Tami then apologizes to Kesha for lashing out at her in an immature manner, but claims that the message she was trying to convey was true. Kesha remains mum, but Tami continues and explains that she’s grateful for getting therapy and that it’s something everybody with emotional issues should use.

Evelyn Tears Up Over Her Bottle-Throwing Fiasco

Next up in the hot seat is Evelyn, who watches a replay of her violent feud with Kenya. After watching the recap, Evelyn looks solemn as she says that she regrets that incident. She recalls a time when she was driving with her step-daughters and they laughed at the fact that she tried to attack Kenya with a bottle. Evelyn voice breaks and she begins to tear up as she explains that the situation is far from funny and that she needs to be a better example to her children.

Evelyn and Jennifer Battle Again

Evelyn remains in the hot seat when John Salley brings up her season-long feud with her former BFF Jennifer, who is sitting backstage in a control room. John focuses in on Jenn’s beef with Evelyn’s assistant, Nia, and Evelyn once again explains that Jennifer and Nia were friends and that Nia gave Jenn a place to stay when her husband froze her bank accounts and locked her out of their home. Evelyn also criticizes Jenn for waiting until the season aired to file a lawsuit against Nia.

Jenn is then escorted onto the stage to join the other girls refutes Evelyn’s claims, saying that she never lived with Nia, she only spent some time at her place. Jennifer also claims that she filed a complaint against Nia right after she slapped her, but that the process is not up to her, but the state. However, John questions why Jenn decided to file a complaint against Nia, but not her husband after he threw a drink in her face.

Jenn Apologizes for Offending Her Cast Mates

After hearing Evelyn, John and Tami criticize her actions, Jennifer, seeming fed up with the situation, lets out an exhausted apology to her cast mates for all of her wrong doings. However, Jenn refuses to apologize for the new direction her life has taken. Shaunie then chimes in and says that no one is knocking Jenn for moving on with her life and business, she and the other ladies are just upset by the way Jenn has mistreated them.

Jennifer then claims that none of the ladies reached out to her when she was going through her painful divorce with her ex-husband and that there is no sense of sisterhood between the ladies. Shaunie, Tami and Evelyn both refute the claim and Shaunie, who nearly breaks into tears every time she speaks about the rift, admits that she hoped Jenn and Ev’s friendship would’ve have been saved during the season, but things only got worse when filming started.

John then argues that regardless of whether the cameras were there or not, their friendship was going downhill because they weren’t being “sisters” to each other.

Jennifer Takes a Lie Detector Test

Earlier in the episode, John claimed that Evelyn was part of a secret experiement that would later be revealed. And by the end of part one of the reunion special, John reveals that Eveluyn took a lie detector test to clear up any misconceptions about her beef with Jenn. John then claims that it’s Jenn’s turn to take the test and the episode ends with her being escorted to the test.

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