Women Who Cheat with Celebrities: The Serial Killer Groupies (SKGs)
Richard Ramirez was a ruthless, sadistic killer who escaped authorities for much of his career partly because of his movie star looks. Also known as the Night Stalker, Ramirez was a sadistic devil worshipper that, during his trial, couldn’t beat the groupies away with a bat. Even a female juror was not immune to his charms, allegedly.

Equally stunning was the notorious Ted Bundy who preferred to kill women who wore a part in the center of their long, brown hair.
“Ted Bundy looked like the guy next door,” notes a Criminal Minds, Handsome, Smart and Deadly blogger. “He was clean cut, educated and articulate. He was the kind of guy my mother wished I would bring home.”
In the daytime Bundy studied law and saved lives as a volunteer for a suicide help line. Yikes.
According to TruTV, women may cheat with a serial killer celebrity because:
•She has a fantasy of saving him from the life he chose. (Her love will rinse him clean).
•She feels he needs nurturing instead of punishment. (She’ll mother that murder streak out of him).
•She knows he can’t travel outside of the prison walls, so he won’t cheat. He’s the perfect boyfriend, beautiful letters, power, name recognition, and will still need her to come and put money on his books.