Top Black Female Executives Share Best Career Advice

Sharonda L. Britton Director of Marketing, Multicultural, African American and Asian, Walmart
“My best advice for women in business would be to always envision where you want to go and once you set the vision, make sure you that you find people who support that vision either who are already where you want to be, or can help you to get there. Continue to track toward that goal and surround yourself with mentors and great leaders that will ultimately help you with your goals.”

Marcia M. Anderson, Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army. First Army African American officer to obtain the rank of major general
“There’s two pieces of advice that I would give women, let’s say African American women. [First,], Eleanor Roosevelt said “well-behaved women rarely make history,” and [secondly], “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.
“We need to remember that and internalize that and not be afraid to invite yourself to meetings that you know you need to attend. You should be involved in activities that you know you can add value to.”