Black Olympians made their countries proud at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, aka London 2012, taking home coveted gold medals in every event from track & field to gymnastics. Some made history while others held on to the title that they earned at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and prior. While it’s made of 92.5 percent silver, 7.5 percent copper and plated with at least 6 mm of gold, the estimated value of a gold medal awarded at this year’s Summer Olympics is $620.82 (as of Aug. 1, 2012). Each gold medal contains 6 grams of gold, valued at $302.12, and 394 grams of sterling silver, valued at $318.70. To the Olympian who has spent countless hours preparing for the event and living his dream, it’s priceless. Check out the Olympian gold medal roll call for black athletes. Here, we’ve listed who they are, what they did and where they are from. –yvette caslin