Despite the glaring absence of any legitimate acting, musical, entertainment or movie-making skills, sex-tape slut Kim Kardashian had the intestinal fortitude to request a star on the Hollywoood Walk of Fame and get inducted into the shrine of immortality along with other transcendent entertainment legends.
Kardashian admitted to V Magazine that she wanted to be the first reality TV star to have her name on the Walk of Fame.
“I think there was a quote where somebody said that reality stars will never get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. So, of course I’m so competitive,” Kardashian blabbered ignorantly to V. “I would love to break that mold.”
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which runs the sidewalk star program, shot down Kardashian with extreme prejudice: “She has not been nominated. She is a reality star. We don’t do reality stars. She needs to get a real acting job, then come to us,” a rep for the chamber told website Hollyscoop.
Another statement about Kardashian’s ludicrous request surfaced the next day saying: “Part of the criteria in being honored is receiving awards such as Emmys, SAG Awards, Oscars, etc. in the category of television, live stage performance or motion pictures,” a chamber of commerce rep told the Hollywood Reporter. “They have to have a career in the business of acting for five years or more.”