Jaylen Arnold, 12, lives in Lakeland, Fla. and is adjusting to life and his special needs. He suffers from Tourette Syndrome, which causes uncontrollable tics and movement and he’s the target of bullies at his school. Not taking the peer-to-peer terrorism lightly, Arnold is standing up for his right to be left to learn in peace and has started his own foundation, Jaylens Challenge. He’s even recruited A-list star Leonardo DiCaprio and actor Dash Mihok, who also suffers with Tourette, as ambassadors.
Arnold had to leave school for awhile under doctor’s orders when the tics became so intense and violent that he bruised himself. He’s back in the classroom and touring the country encouraging young people embrace their classmates even when they have differences.
He sports a yellow and blue wristband that declares, ‘Bullying No Way!’