Drexel King becomes new face of US Marines in Times Square

Drexel King becomes new face of US Marines in Times SquareOn leadership…
In Afghanistan when I deployed with the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine golf company, 3rd Platoon, we’d face intense situations. Marines have to overcome and rely on the things that the Marine Corps has taught them, exercised and trained them up on from day one. One of those things is leadership. Every Marine is a leader; leading themselves, their peers or leading others. When you’re in those tough situations, you have to give yourself a gut check, remember your task, focus and go.

How important is education?
Education is extremely important. It changes your perspective and helps you make mature decisions.

How do you balance family life?
As a family we go camping often to get away and have that quality time together. It’s time to quiet down, think about what’s going on in the world and with you. It’s great to get away. I am extremely involved with the church from everything to men’s, women’s and couple’s ministries. We have a home that is welcoming to others. They feel comfortable, like they can relax and have fun in our home.

How important is physical fitness?
When you’re physically fit, you’re able to handle mental challenges that much better. I think it’s important for everyone to be in shape. I have a son, 21-months-old. I want to be able to keep up, play with him and interact with him. When he gets older, I want to be able to show him things and beat him in everything [laughs]. You have to be in shape.

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