Recently, Imani shared her thoughts on love, marriage and why her husband is special to her.
What is the best part of being married?
Knowing you have a friend, confidant, lover and protector for life. Waking up to someone every day and seeing their face, smile and feeling their warm skin first thing in the morning there is nothing like that kind of loving feeling you get from your spouse.
What is your Valentine’s Day wish for your husband?
My Valentine’s Day wish to my husband is for him to know he has a friend, confidant, lover and protector for life. Marriage is a two way street and despite being a princess that means sometimes I take the trash out — just because. I think the biggest wish I have for him is to help make everyday a happy one.
How did you know he was your special Valentine?
I realized he was the one because my heart told me. … I think I was in like with most of my previous relationships, but I fell in love with him.
What are the keys to love?
Put God first, take 10 minutes before you respond if you are in a challenging communication moment and don’t try to change the person your with … love them for who they are, not who you want them to be. Love is strong and I believe will always prevail … maybe that’s it; being an eternal optimist.
What are your Valentine’s Day plans?
We are spending a lovely evening dining at Carmichael’s Steakhouse and then going to Icon Movie Theater for a little entertainment.
If you tell the world how you feel about your husband, what would you say?
Despite what you think chivalry is not dead and neither is the black man as husband and head of the black family. I have a 6-foot-4, 250-pound, get up at 6 a.m. going to work everyday husband and I want the world to know I adore him and can’t wait for our first child — but you know practice makes perfect.