Mama Dee also noted that Erica kept her granddaughter away from her for several months after she was born.
While Mama Dee was bashing the mother of her granddaughter, Shay Johnson who was also in attendance, soon joined in.
“I love that man [Lil Scrappy] and he’s not going anywhere and any b—- that got a problem with it and can see me,” said Johnson.”I don’t give a damn what people feel like. The marriage is over with, it was never going to last.”
Mama Dee also went on to bash Erica Dixon’s mother, Mignon before Lil Scrappy ph0ned in from a rehab facility to request that they stop. As previously reported Scrappy is spending 30 days in rehab for a marijuana addiction.
“He is locked in his rehab situation right now and [he says] he doesn’t need the extra stress and can we leave the Erica situation alone for the rest of the night?” said Kandi relaying the rapper’s message.
Check out the episode of Kandi Koated Nights in full below. -danielle canada