Andre Powell shares the inspiration behind ‘Criminal Incubation’


Andre Powell is a Massachusetts native who came of age during the peak of the war on drugs. During a 10-year stint in prison, Powell penned Criminal Incubation, a true-life story of trial, error and emergence. Criminal Incubation is the first of a trilogy of books aimed at uncovering and exploring the effects of crime.

Here, Powell discusses his creative process and inspiration for writing the book.

Elevator pitch description of the content of the book. Real-life scenarios combined with often encountered inner city obstacles and life lessons that will help bring understanding to opposing communities
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? That “community” is what dictates opportunity.
What inspired you to write this book? I wanted my daughter to know who her father was and not have my character be misunderstood because of what outsiders thought of me.
Do you have a specific writing style? My style was developed after I studied what was wrong with the hundreds of novels I read before I decided to write Criminal Incubation. The reason was I want all my books to hold the reader’s interest throughout the experience. Cover to cover. As a matter of fact, when you put my book down it calls you to pick it up and read more.
How did you come up with the title? As I try to do with all my work I wanted depth. … The incubator is your environment and we are all products of our environment.. … My environment was crime ridden and it dictated what I became. A product of criminal incubation.
What books have influenced your life most? Makes Me Wanna Holla; Monster Kody
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? Nathan McCall
What are you reading now? I no longer read anyone else’s work because I don’t want it to infect my writing style. I’ll start reading again once I finish my work as an author.
What is your current project? My next release is called Isolation.
Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? I have a calling in life and that’s to share these stories.

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