Greater impact of the Great Wall of China

Munson Steed in ChinaThe Great Wall of China is often written about in history books but for the people of China the wall represents a legacy a physical representation of power known throughout the world. As I walked along the 13,171-mile long structure, I reflected on its purpose : a tribute to humanity and ingenuity. The Great Wall is an inspiration of what humans are able to accomplish by coming together.

The Great Wall was built during the Ming Dynasty to keep out the invading hoards who threatened lives and economy of the Chinese people. Originally the wall was built as several walls and was later joined together to create the massive structure that still stands today. The Great Wall is one of the many “made in china” ideas that symbolically and actually strengthened and unified a nation.

For however great of a monument the wall is, it is wrapped in it’s share of tragedy. Many of the builders lost their lives and are actually buried in the wall. For that reason some resent the wall but it is important to remember that the wall was built for the greater whole. It protected the future of China.The Great Wall is a testament to the idea that collective efforts bring about substantial change.

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