NeNe Leakes’ jilted wedding planner Tiffany Cook: ‘It’s absolutely devastating’

Tiffany Nieves-Cook & Porsha Williams-Stewart
Tiffany Nieves-Cook & Porsha Williams-Stewart

“My client, Tiffany Cook, was contracted to plan the wedding and she performed as agreed under the contract,” says Reginald Greene, attorney for Tiffany Nieves-Cook — the luxury-wedding planner who’s filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against True Entertainment LLC and NeNe Leakes.

When queried about A Legendary Event and Tony Conway’s role, Greene adds, “We can’t say what Tony Conway did or did not do. We’re going to prove what our client did do. Tiffany Cook certainly performed as agreed under the contract and she was contracted to be the wedding planner and [as the décor designer].”

This lawsuit comes on the heels of the recent nuptials of Gregg and NeNe Leakes, who remarried during a lavish wedding ceremony in Atlanta, which airs this fall on Bravo on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST starting Sept. 17, 2013.

In a recent trailer promoting the show titled “I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding,” it appears Cook and Leakes are having a disagreement and it’s where the fallout begins. During an exclusive interview with rolling out, Cook admits she was blindsided by the chain of events.

Read what she has to say.

Is there any truth to @NeNeLeakes’ claims on Twitter that there was never a signed agreement?

What was the tipping point of the breakdown between you and NeNe Leakes that caused her to hire Tony Conway/A Legendary Event?
I wasn’t aware that there was a tipping point or a breakdown. The only breakdown is that I continued communicating with them and there was a complete cease on her part with communication. Quite honestly, I just assumed, since many of my clients are in her type of business, that she was busy filming. I wasn’t aware that there was a breakdown. Tony Conway was a client. He was actually the first vendor that I brought in to do her wedding while I was planning. I brought him in to do flowers and possibly for catering because of the fantastic relationship that we had.

Are you making this claim for publicity?

Have you or your attorney received a response from NeNe Leakes and/or her attorney?

Do you still have a relationship with her fellow housewife cast member, Porsha Williams Stewart?
Porsha and I will always have a relationship. I am grateful for the referral.

Who are your other clients?
The majority of our clientele are high-profile clients.

Have you ever had legal issues with past clients?
This is the first time in 25 years. I hold my clientele near-and-dear and have long-term relationships with many of them.

How has this case affected your business?
She has 1.3 million [Twitter] followers. To say such negative things about me, it can only be devastating. When you Google my name right now, there are 300 pages saying I am a scam artist, among other things. Again, we [Tiffany Cook Events] deal with a high-profile clientele. Generally, I am all over the Internet for the fantastic things that I do. It is absolutely devastating.

What is the ideal outcome?
I want to be paid for my services and clearly erase this damage this has caused. I want my life and my business back.

NeNe Leakes’ jilted wedding planner now claims ‘defamation’

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