Actor, comedian Walter Maxfield Jones talks love of entertainment

walter maxfield jones
What is your profession(s)?
Host, actor, comedic personality, film producer and IT business owner

What is your title(s) and job description(s)?

Emcee for all occasions, stand-up philosopher, actor and president/CEO

What inspired you to choose your career?

Family, Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy. I was always asked to perform (sing and dance) at every family gathering, every holiday and that then lead to church, school, state fair … etc. I would impersonate Michael Jackson. I had the baby hair, gloves and everything. I was heart broken when I saw Alfonso Rivera in the Pepsi commercial. I thought I would have gotten the role if I just had known about the audition. Also was raised in a strict home so I made it a point to keep everyone laughing around me so that in case there home was as serious as mine, at least they got to laugh and were happy while they were out. I memorized Eddie Murphy’s “Delirious” and would perform it at lunch recess in the third grade.

Everyone who is successful has that “thing”. What is your “thing”?

I truly believe I can do anything. Anything I put my mind to. That is why I named my website Also, I can immediately connect with people. They feel comfortable enough to poor their heart out to me within minutes whether male or female. I think it is a combination of me giving my undivided attention to whoever I am speaking and my sense of humor. I genuinly want everyone I come in contact with to feel important. And I have been told I am pretty sexy. That might help too. Sex sells. [Laughs]

What has been your most proud moment?
I really do not think I have one. Regardless of my friends, family and fans telling me how proud of me they are for how far I have come, I still feel like I have not accomplished anything. If I had to pick one thing it would be marrying my late wife Marcia or when my younger cousin Karelia said at her quincinera (I may have spelled that wrong) that she wouldn’t be the woman she is today if it weren’t for me. I could have died right then and been happy.

What does success look like for you?

A string of Action Adventure Comedy blockbuster films followed by a serious drama where I play an historic figure and win an Oscar for it. End up with a sitcom in syndication, talk show and have enough residual income to live more than comfortably for the rest of my life with a wife and children.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven with a tall glass of ice cold milk. There are a lot of pleasures in which I indulge, but that is the only one I feel guilty about.

What’s next for you?

I have been cast as Pastor Mission, Jr., the lead in a play called “The Power, The Passion and The Pulpit. I am also looking forward to the national tour I am on as the host of “The Sweet Spot,” a high energy pop erotica event, expanding to 50 cities nationally and internationally. I am just working hard at being the best host and actor I can be. When you do something well, eventually people will notice.

What keeps you motivated?
My mother instilled in me a hard work ethic and extremely competitive nature. She was never satisfied. I am guess I am not either. I think that is why I feel like I have not accomplished anything. All I know is I was born to be on perform. It is the only time I feel like I am truly living.

What makes you smile?

Seeing old people in love, children laughing, and watching a woman with a mean walk. [Laughs]

What is your idea of a perfect date?

It depends on who it is with. A date where everything feels completely natural and effortless. We have great chemistry. Thow in some good drinks, food, dancing, conversation, laughter and constant affection to the point where we get so lost in each other that we forget there is anyone else in the world. Deep passionate kissing and cuddling on the beach while the sun rises. Then sex, breakfast, sex and fall asleep in each others arms. Wake up and spend the day naked having sex and eating good food while talking and getting to know each other in between. It would end with a long kiss and hug at the door wishing we didn’t have to leave so soon.

What has been your most difficult challenge?
Taking care of my mother the last few years of her life while she suffered from ALS. That and moving on after the death of my wife. The two women I loved the most in my life, died in my arms.

What does friendship mean to you?

Unconditional love and being there when we need each other.

Who do you influence?

I don’t know. I just hope I can infuence everyone positively.

What are your most powerful assets?

My sense of humor, positive perspective, confidence, resilience, and will to win.

How would you describe your personality?

Well rounded. I can go from the hood to the boardroom and from the stage to the pulpit.

Give me one word that describes the real you?


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