Kanye West sends cease and desist order to makers of ‘Coinye Currency’


In ‘You just had to know this would happen’ news, Kanye West has filed a cease and desist order against an upstart virtual currency company called Coinye West, whose online money features a likeness of him.

Whether the company was named to pay homage to Kanye or capitalize off the play on his name, Mr. West is having none of it. Reports say his lawyers recently sent the cease and desist order to the creators of the currency, but so far the clever entrepreneurs have stuck to their guns and are considering shortening their moniker to just ‘Coinye’ to continue on with their plans:

“We want to release this to the public before the man can try to crush it,” one of the coders texted to the Wall Street Journal. “They’ll still come after us, but that’s OK.”

Meanwhile, in Mr. West’s camp they are all business and have plans on completely eradicating Coinye West Currency as they have filed a motion to stop any use of Kanye’s name or any variation of it, stop all social media activity with the name Coinye, and take down the company’s website. West’s camp also plans to go after anyone who does business with the company. According to Kanye’s attorney Brad Rose, they plan to “pursue all legal remedies against any business that accepts the purported Coinye West currency.”

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