JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The trial of a white Floridian charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of a black teen is eerily similar to 2013’s sensationalized case involving the cold-blooded killing of Trayvon Martin by Sanford, Fla. “neighborhood watch captain” George Zimmerman.
Jury selection has begun today (Feb. 3, 2014) in the trial of Michael Dunn, 47, a Caucasian software developer who says he shot Jordan Davis in self-defense.
Police say Dunn fatally shot 17-year-old Jordan Davis in 2012 outside a Jacksonville convenience store after arguing over loud music. Dunn contains that he only shot into the SUV only after the teens threatened him and one raised a shotgun.
Dunn was arrested the next day.
Zimmerman, a white Hispanic, was acquitted of second-degree murder of Martin, sparking protests and demonstrations from Washington, D.C. to Oakland, Calif.