Waka Flocka Flame accused of cheating on Instagram (photo evidence)


Although fans have been aware of Waka Flocka Flame’s relationship with Tammy Rivera for some time, they weren’t offered an intimate look into their relationship until the couple made their recent debut on “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.” Like other couples on the show, they’ve been plagued with infidelity rumors concerning Waka, who repeatedly has told Rivera that he’s done cheating and is ready to settle down with her. However, it appears that may not be the case because a woman recently accused Waka of cheating with her and provided photo evidence.

According to Sister 2 Sister, an unidentified woman, known only by her Instagram handle, ijusthavetokeepitreal, posted four photos on her page of Waka lying next to her bed, claiming that she snapped the intimate photos of the rapper one month ago.

Waka Flocka Cheating Photo 1

“Yeah yo n—a still cheatin @charliesangelll,” the woman wrote, “he a lyin a– grimey n—a #tammy #tammyrivera #waka #wakaflocka #liar #cheater #f—em #lhha #loveandhiphop #mediatakeout #wshh”

“I asked him was he happy with you, he said he didn’t know. This was a month ago.” booo… @charliesangelll#waka #wakaflocka #tammy #tammyrivera #lhha#loveandhiphop lame a–,” the woman wrote in the caption of another photo.

Well, photo evidence like that would be enough to make many women leave or at least question their partner about their fidelity, but Rivera seemed to respond to the woman’s claims by simply brushing them off.

Tammy RIvera Responds To Groupie

“I feel sorry for bitter bitties.. You can’t destroy what God has built… #Solid,” Rivera captioned the photo.

Well, perhaps there’s more to this story than any photo or caption can tell, but it looks like, for now, Rivera is sticking with Waka. –nicholas robinson



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