7 reasons you need a life coach

Wendy Nicole Anderson
Wendy Nicole Anderson

We live in an information age where resources are abundant and at our fingertips. Everyone seems to be an expert at something and everyone seems to have the right answers for your problems. Since I am a certified life coach and I work with a life coach, I wanted to give you a quick resource guide to consider when deciding to hire a life coach. After all, I too, considered why I needed a life coach and wondered how she could benefit me.

A person who believes in the possibility of what could be and who is ready to live beyond their self-imposed boundaries would be a great candidate to work with a life coach because they are willing to embrace change, fed up with their current reality and want to position themselves to create a new one. Oftentimes, people are confused as to how a life coach can help them. Based on my philosophy on life coaching, I have compiled a list of seven reasons you should hire a life coach. These are not listed in order of importance. Through trial and error, along with my personal insights this is what I came up with:

  1. A coach helps a you, the client understand that nothing can hold you back, but your mindset. They also will help you to acknowledge self-awareness that will allow you to shift your thoughts from what you need to recognizing the gifts that you have, which can contribute to you becoming your best possible self. Your coach will help you to believe in yourself and trust your ability to go after the very thing that you desire.
  2. Unlike a support system, a life coach won’t tell you what you want to hear to help you get unstuck. They will address the ugly truth and allow you to take a realistic look at your situation, which will require you to make some difficult decisions — decisions that are essential to your professional and personal growth.
  3. You should partner with a life coach when you have a vision for your life and you are not clear on how to make it a reality. A life coach will also help you to prepare for opportunities that don’t yet exist.
  4. A coach can help you overcome things in life that you perceive as the impossible. They will take the time to talk with you about what is important in your personal and professional development. The coach will help you to look at the bigger picture and then help you create a plan of action to achieve goals in your life.
  5. A coach can help you craft ideas to make your dreams a reality and be an accountability partner to ensure that you move forward and turn your intentions into actions by providing you with the tools to do so. Your coach will help you focus on opportunity, not your past failures. A coach will help you to become a forward thinker.
  6. A coach is someone that will help you cut through the mess and help you get down to the core of what has been holding your back. A life coach is a subject matter expert on clarity and understands what it means as well as help you discover what it means to you.
  7. You desire to connect with an innovative idealist who has the resources to help you move to the next phase of your life sooner than later. A life coach is a person that is genuinely interested in your success because they effectively listen and are sounding boards to validate your thoughts.

I have equipped you with seven reasons you should hire a life coach. I will leave you with a cute little bonus — five questions to ask before you hire a life coach. Some coaches provide most of the answers in their bio or about sections on their website, but just in case they don’t or their message is not clear, here is a quick guideline to follow. Take the time to see if a coach is willing to speak with you so that you can get your questions answered before you enter into an agreement with them. These questions should flow like a conversation and should give you an opportunity to get a real glimpse of the coaches’ personality and professionalism. The goal is to see if she or he is going to be a good match for what you are seeking. Some of these questions are meant for you to ask yourself:

  1. Why did you want to become a life coach? Make sure you understand the life coach’s “why” before teaming up with them. It is important that their why is in alignment with your values and vision for your life. Their “why” must inspire you and give you confidence that they will have your best interest at heart and be a true asset to your cause.
  2. What success stories have the life coach helped craft in their own life and in the life of others?
  3. What does your gut tell you about this life coach and what attracts you to this particular life coach?
  4. Are you clear on how this life coach can help you achieve your goals? If so, can you articulate it? (Before and after you speak with them.)
  5. Does this life coach give you the option to test drive their services? Do they offer free content or a free coaching session? If so, then they probably have integrity.

You should now be equipped to to proactively find a life coach who understands your needs and one with whom you feel comfortable being yourself. If you are guarded while interacting with a prospective life coach, then she or he may not be the best fit for you. Choose with care because this could potentially be a partnership that lasts a lifetime.

Wendy Nicole Anderson is a life coach, idea architect, entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Positive Influence Coaching. With an Executive and Life Coach Certification from the CAPP Institute, she inspires clients to redefine their reality. She facilitates workshops and coaching programs that are based upon practical positive psychology and personal development best practices. Her personal development company helps individuals up-level their life and business through the use of affirmation, mastermind sessions, strategic planning and soul-based goal setting.

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