Teenager kills cabbie for not taking shortcuts

Aazis Richardson, age 16
Aazis Richardson, age 16, confessed killer

Scranton, Pennsylvania teen Aazis Richardson, age 16, has ruined his life and taken the life of another in the process. Last week, Richardson took a cab to go home, but cabbie Vincent Darbenzio would not take the shortcuts that Richardson told him to take. Apparently Richardson stated he felt disrespected. In retaliation, he shot Darbenzio twice in the back of the head and stole $500 from the victim’s wallet.

Richardson admitted to all of this to a crowd of reporters upon his arrest and stated “”That’s what I do to people that don’t listen.” Police found Richardson by tracing the cellphone he used when he made the call for a cab. When police finally tracked him down he was hiding in an attic still wearing the bloodstained clothes from the murder a few hours before.

Richardson also went on to further incriminate himself by stating he purchased the gun in Newark, New Jersey for $175.00 and declared he was a member of the Boyton Boys Bloods gangs. Surprisingly if that was not enough, he also stated that he was a suspect in a triple homicide in Newark but was released from jail. The reason for his release is unknown at this time.

Richardson will be charged as an adult and is being held without bail.

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