No-knock warrant abuse in Georgia may cost baby his life

Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesavanh, age 19 months
Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesavanh, age 19 months

The recent critical injury of Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesavanh, age 19 months, due to a police SWAT stun grenade thrown into his crib has brought a disturbing trend to light in Georgia. The use of no knock warrants. It was a no knock warrant that was executed against the residence of the Phonesavanh family because of a confidential informant’s tip. The tip was acted upon, but allegedly no surveillance was initiated before the baby was blown up in his playpen. The police allegedly threw the grenade into the room in utter disregard for any innocents who might be inside at the time.

The family had nothing to do with any drug dealing it has been revealed. In fact it was the son of the landlord who was dealing drugs at the property and the family was trying to move. During the raid on the home, the police did not tell the family the baby was injured stating to the father “He just lost a tooth.” It was when the boy’s father saw the burned playpen and blood and his child missing he became panicked. At that point the police allegedly threatened the father with arrest and told him “If you don’t sit your ass down your child won’t be the only one going to the hospital.” In fact the child had received a deep chest wound and severe facial burns from the grenade.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the FBI have started an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident in Habersham County and have met with the family..

It’s not just no knock warrants, it is the militarization of police departments, flush with cash and battlefield technology and a mandate to hunt in communities of color is the issue.

A portion falls on our community to not tolerate criminal behavior and to engage once again in the community. This can start with something as small as your PTA up to larger national organizations like the National Action Network but it must start with something. We as a people can no longer be arm chair revolutionaries espousing Malcolm X nor can we be black intelligencia separated from the suffering of our people as a whole but yet comment on their condition without direct action. This is a cognitive dissonance that afflicts our community.

We now no longer hang from ropes on the branches of trees but we hang from chains on the scales of justice

A “Justice for Bou Bou Rally will be held this Saturday at 12 Noon in Habersham County. The street address is 555 Monroe St., Clarkesville, Georgia. 30523 and is located at the Old Courthouse Building. Buses are being organized to leave from Atlanta to the protest rally. Further information can be found by calling 678-271-7576.

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