Michele Bachmann thinks gays ‘prey on little children’

Michele Bachmann - cover

Rep. Michele Bachmann has never been a politician known for speaking highly of minority groups and she continued that trend this week when she appeared on The Faith & Liberty radio show and accused the gay community of “deviancy” and child rape.

During her radio interview, the Minnesota Republican claimed that the gay community plans to “abolish age of consent laws, which means we will do away with statutory rape laws so that adults will be able to freely prey on little children sexually. That’s the deviance that we’re seeing embraced in our culture today.”

The former presidential candidate brought up her radical opinions while discussing last year’s decision by the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied same-sex couples the right to marry.

“This is a revolution that we are encountering now,” she said of marriage equality. “For all of the thousands of years of recorded human history, about 5,000 years, there is no instance of any culture, nation or tribe ever having as the established standard for marriage anything other than between man and woman. It may have been multiple women and a man, it may have been something like that, but it was always between men and women.”

“I think that nature tells us, our biology tells us, that marriage is between man and a woman, when we tamper with something that was generated by the Creator of the Universe, I think there are profound consequences that we haven’t yet realized,” she added.

Despite her harsh criticism of the gay community, Bachmann then claimed that her words came from God and her own love for LGBT people.

“Our message is to spread goodness and joy and wholeness and healing, and we do that through a loving God with a message that frees people, it doesn’t enslave people, we shouldn’t fear giving out this very good word,” Bachmann said. “It takes these concepts for the purpose of bringing liberty, joy, healing, wholeness and a fresh way of thinking for people’s lives,” she said.

Well, last time we checked, calling an entire group of people deviants, pedophiles and sinners equates to shame, hate and judgment instead of love and compassion. But condisering how over-the-top and ridiculous Bachmann’s claims are, we can’t imagine she’d understand how her words of hate aren’t anything like love. – nicholas robinson



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