Whether you’re looking for a soothing remedy, a light dessert after a large meal, or a festive drink to serve at a holiday gathering or office party, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is an ideal option for your mixing pleasure. As an early gift, Honey Bee mixologist, Chrissy is sharing a few quick and easy holiday recipe suggestions. Enjoy responsibly!
Honey Hot Toddy
A hot toddy is a popular option this time of year, especially in colder climates. Adding a little Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey to this classic remedy, may be just what the doctor ordered.
– Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey (4 ounces)
– Hot water (4 ounces)
– Lemon tea (one tea bag)
– Squeeze of fresh lemon
Jack Honey and Vanilla
Ever have a sweet tooth after a nice holiday meal, but not enough room for a hefty dessert? Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey with Vanilla Coke and a small scoop of ice cream will be just enough to do the trick.
– Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey
– Vanilla Coke
– One tablespoon of vanilla ice cream
– Garnish with a small butter cookie (optional)
Jack Honey Egg Nog
Who doesn’t love a nice glass of spiked eggnog during the holiday season? Your family, friends and co-workers will appreciate adding a little honey to the eggnog this year.
– Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey (4 ounces)
– Virgin Egg Nog (12 ounces)
– Garnish with cinnamon stick (optional)