Ferguson police overreact: Pregnant black woman severely injured

Dornella Conners
Dornella Conners

During all the chaos that erupted over the Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict Darren Wilson, innocent people were bound to get hurt. But one woman, Dornella Conners, thought she was escaping harm when she took a ride in her boyfriend’s car. The couple was at a gas station several blocks away from the main violence. Ferguson police say they responded to shots fired at the gas station and came to the scene.

The gas station and car were soon surrounded by police and her boyfriend tried to drive away from the trouble. However, a police officer thought he was being assaulted by the car and fired a beanbag round at Conners who was sitting in the passenger’s seat.

The round shattered the passenger side window and struck her in her eye along with shards of glass. Conner, who is pregnant, lost her eye and received severe lacerations. Another officer at the scene helped Conner get medical attention and police made 15 arrests. Conner’s boyfriend now has a warrant out for his arrest and she in blind in one eye. Conners’ story is now spreading on social media as she now is seeking justice for her injury.

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