The 10 most racially charged stories of 2014

Ferguson Michael Brown Protestors-4

Racism continues to be an issue that haunts America. In 2014, there were several racial incidents that made national headlines and proved that the nation must do more to get rid of racist attitudes.

Here are the 10 most racially charged stories of 2014.


White police kill unarmed black men across the nation

In 2014, unarmed Black men were killed by police at an alarming rate. This past summer, the world watched as Ferguson, Missouri, burned after officer Darren Wilson killed teenager Michael Brown; John Crawford III was killed in an Ohio Walmart after he holding a BB gun in the store; Eric Garner was choked by Daniel Pantaleo, who squeezed the life out of him; Tamir Rice was shot by Cleveland police within seconds for holding a toy gun; and Rumain Brisbon was unarmed when he was shot and killed by a police officer in Phoenix. The cases have sparked protests across the nation and debates on how police should conduct themselves.


L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling forced to sell team after racist remarks 

During a heated conversation with his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, Clippers owner Donald Sterling berated her after she took a picture with Magic Johnson and posted it on her Instagram.

Sterling said, “It brothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to? You can sleep with black people. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it and bring them to my games. You don’t have to have yourself walking with black people. Don’t put [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see. And don’t bring him to my games.”

Sterling eventually sold the Clippers to Steve Ballmer.

The Atlanta Hawks’ owner and GM exposed for racism

The Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson wanted to put forth a theory as to why the Hawks could not sell tickets. He essentially blamed Black fans, Black cheerleaders and hip-hop for scaring white fans away. It was also discovered that Hawks GM Danny Ferry made inappropriate comments regarding Loul Deng. Levenson agreed to sell his stake in the Hawks and Ferry has since been dismissed as GM.


Hank Aaron blasted by racist for discussing race

In a story published by USA Today, Hank Aaron discussed how he received hate mail in 1974 after breaking Babe Ruth’s home run record. Aaron revealed why the country has a long way to go by saying, “A lot of things have happened in this country, but we have so far to go. There’s not a whole lot that has changed,” Aaron said. “Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he’s treated. The bigger difference is back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts.”

That quote created a stir with racists who were appalled that Aaron would bring up the subject of racism. The Atlanta Braves have received a multitude of hate mail aimed at Aaron.

One racist named Edward wrote, “Hank Aaron is a scumbag piece of s—- n—–. My old man instilled in my mind from a young age the only good n—— is a dead n—–.”

It was a revealing letter that proves that many Americans are still barbaric and filled with hate. But Aaron was correct in his assessment about race. The silent racists are more lethal than the outspoken ones.

Judge in Mississippi slapped Black man and called him the N-word

A judge in Mississippi allegedly slapped a black man and called him the N-word. According to reports by the Clarion Ledger, Judge Bill Weisenberger struck the mentally challenged black man at a flea market.

Eric Rivers, 20, would help vendors and customers load items to earn extra money at the market. Witnesses told authorities that Rivers asked Weisenberger if he needed help and the racist judge slapped him twice. Weisenberger then yelled, “Run, n——, run” as Rivers ran away in fear.

Actor Michael B. Jordan plays the late Oscar Grant, 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who's the subject of the movie "Fruitvale Station."

Michael B. Jordan catches flack for being named Johnny Storm

Michael B. Jordan caught backlash from racists who were upset over his upcoming role as Johnny Storm in the film Fantastic Four. The role of Johnny Storm has always been portrayed as white in the comic book series and in other previous films.

Some of the racists comments on Twitter included,”I know Michael B. Jordan’s a great actor. But he’s black and Johnny Storm is white”; “Not racist or anything, but having Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm is dumb”; “Why is Michael B. Jordan playing Johnny Storm, the character is white” and “Is anyone gonna talk about the fact that Michael B. Jordan is black, he can’t be Johnny Storm.”

New Hampshire police commissioner called President Obama the N-word

A police commissioner in New Hampshire showed ignorance through racist attitudes. According to the Associated Press, Robert Copeland, 82, police commissioner of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, called President Barack Obama the N-word during a conversation.

Copeland admitted using the N-word, but he refuses to apologize for his ignorance.

Residents in Wolfeboro are asking for Copeland to resign for using the racial slur. But Copeland refuses to apologize and can’t be removed from his position. In March, Copeland was re-elected and will serve another three years as commissioner.


Police officer called Black people monkeys, wanted slavery to return

An auxiliary officer has resigned after it was revealed that he made racially insensitive remarks aimed at Black people. According to reports by ABC 5 in Fairview Park, Ohio, Aaron McNamara posted several racist remarks on videos posted on social media outlets.

On the videos, McNamara referred to Black people as “jungle monkeys” and “spooks.” He also revealed that he wished slavery was still a legalized practice in the United States.

“Abolishing slavery was the worst thing we could have done. Theses people should be exterminated.”

Teacher fired for protecting black student from white bullies 

A teacher in a majority white school district was fired after she attempted to protect a black student from bullies. According to ABC 15 in Fountain Hills, Arizona, teacher Pam Aister noticed one of her black fourth-grade students was surrounded by a group of white students.

The white students were bullying the black student by calling him the N-word, “monkey,” and “coon.” Aister stepped in between the students and told them they would have to deal with her if the racist taunts continued.

The white students told their parents, who eventually got upset. The parents went to the Fountain Hills school board and lobbied for her dismissal.

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