David Peterson Jr. and Pullman Porter Museum preserving Blacks' labor history

Dave P Museum head Shots-21What is your name, the name of your organization, and your title with the organization? David Peterson Jr, A Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum, president / executive director

What is the mission of your organization? The A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum is a 501(c) 3 cultural institution. Our mission is to promote, honor and celebrate the legacy of A. Philip Randolph and contributions made by African Americans to America’s labor movement; with a significant focus on the African American railroad employee. At our facility this celebration begins with the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, as we educate the public about their historic legacy and contributions. The museum exists for the purpose of providing educational and cultural enrichment for all of mankind. All activities, past, present and future, are for the purposes and objectives that are inextricably intertwined — the study, preservation, interpretation, and enjoyment of African American history and culture. The permanent collection displays exhibits which are pertinent to the study of American labor history with a specific focus on the African American contribution to America’s labor history and includes but is not limited to: the Pullman Company, as it relates to African American railroad employee labor history, A. Philip Randolph, the Pullman Porters, the Great Migration, and the American Civil Rights Movement.

What are your responsibilities?

– Managing the day-to-day operation

–  Developing ways to accomplish meeting the needs of the institution

– Innovatively creating new programs, productions, and other approaches to the get the word out about the Museum and to the next generation.

Who are the immediate beneficiaries of the services your organization provides?

Members of the general public who have an interest.

What are some of the best practices you’ve found for developing and implementing programming? Identify funding first. Secondly, identify experienced practitioners in the field who are passionate about what they do. This adds enthusiasm you can pay for. Thirdly, constantly innovate and build up on the concept and mission or objective of the program.

What are the two most important ways you generate revenue to sustain your organization? Membership and special events

How do you utilize technology to better serve your benefactors and to communicate your mission?

Through our website, social media and several online publications who cultural institutions like ours and Media outlets who cover activities that occur at out facility. Frequently through technology, items that are posted on our page are picked up by a reporter who may then do a story on our story and the story that we tell from time to time.

Why is service important to you?

Service is the invisible thread that keeps us connected to community. Service keeps us focused on what our duty and human being is and keeps us grounded in what our mission as a people must be.

Who are three nonprofit leaders whose work you respect and appreciate?

Dr. Lyn Hughes, Harold Lucas, Diane Latiker


Dr. Hughes has cultivated and preserved the concept of cultural economic development in the urban community for 20 years. Her groundbreaking work in the historic Pullman community has laid the foundation for the interest of the National Park in Chicago. Harold Lucas has preserved the cultural presence of the Migration in Bronzeville for decades and has been an advocate for creating effective succession plans for the next generation. Diane Latiker has given of her self selflessly in the Roseland community for years out of her genuine concern and appreciation for the next generation in the Urban Community.

When did you decide that being a nonprofit professional spoke to your career goals?

Because I felt giving back in this capacity was needed most because most people don’t educate themselves and bring back to their community what hey learned. Most people just get a job and leave the community.

What advice would you give to an individual looking to start a nonprofit?

I can say that one must be clear that operating a cultural institution is difficult, whatever the size. Every organization that I am aware of, large or small, all complain about the same issues. Especially, Black institutions.

What advice would you give to a recent college graduate looking to enter into the nonprofit sector? Go back and get an MBA

Please finish the following sentences:

My work is fulfilling because … I am continuing the fight began by the brotherhood of sleeping car porters and the many contributors of the civil rights movement. I am also continuing the traditions of our ancestors by correcting an untold story in history and making sure the next generation know it.

Effecting change for humanity means … Social and economic development for all communities

Giving to a social cause is good because … It fuels the capacity of the Peacemakers and those doing good in the community.

I want to make a difference for humanity because I feel it is my duty to the Universe and my way of giving back after receiving the gift of life. I also feel it is my duty to my ancestors and the future generations to come.

Three books and/or authors that inspire me are … The Art of War by Sun Tzu, The Mis-education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosakib

Two quotes that I live by are … “At the banquet table of nature, there are no reserved seats. You get what you can take, and you keep what you can hold. If you can’t take anything, you won’t get anything, and if you can’t hold anything, you won’t keep anything. And you can’t take anything without organization.” – A Philip Randolph

Three role models who changed my life are  Father Michael L. Pfleger, Wallace Gator Bradley, Joseph W. Watkins

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