Keyshia Cole exposes Daniel Gibson


It’s been several months since Keyshia Cole and Daniel Gibson split last year, and since then fans had, understandably, given up the idea that the couple might get back together. But that changed last week then the couple announced that they were starting over again as friends. But just as quickly as the announcement was made, their romantic reunion was quickly called off after Cole exposed Gibson for romancing another woman.

The drama began last week when Gibson attended Cole’s premiere party for her new reality series “Keyshia Cole: All In” and Cole announced that she and Gibson were trying to work things out with their relationship and were reconnecting as friends.

However, yesterday Cole was at a shoot for Gibson’s new music video, who is now a rapper, when she shared a photo of sexting messages from Gibson to his “love interest” in the video.


“I guess the starting over as ‘Friends’ thing doesn’t work. how could u invite me to a video shoot but, your trying to mess with the ‘Love interest’ while your “Wife” #IsThere!#BasketBallPlayerTurnedRapper#KindOfS—TheyDo #PointOfInvite?#ThankGodIWasSmartAboutIt #ManUp#WhenUSayUWannaSaveUrFam #ButUReallyDont#WhatWouldUHaveDone? #Bogus#TheChickSaidAllMenCheat #IDontBelieveThat#NoHate #Facts #EnoughOfNoLove,” she captioned the photo.

Cole then posted a photo of her son, and claimed that he is the only man that matters to her.


“@Daniel_Gibsonjr is all that matters. Everything is not for everybody. Gib is a Great father. I’m just ready to put this all behind me/Begin my healing process for once Nd for all,” Cole captioned the photo.

Well, considering that Cole accused Gibson of cheating before, it looks like this really is the last straw and that Cole is finally done with her marriage.

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