How to effectively communicate in your relationship

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Communication is one of the easiest paths to relationship bliss, but it’s also easy to get off track. Find out more about its role in a fulfilling relationship. Below are 10 crucial tips for healthy communication between you and your mate.

  1. Listen. The power of listening in any relationship cannot be emphasized enough. It doesn’t mean listening only to the things that help fuel your argument and ignoring everything else. It means listening with an open mind and really hearing what your mate has to say.
  2. Avoid confrontation. If you’re angry, it’s better to take some time to cool down before communicating with your mate. Instantly putting him or her on the defense is a terrible way to start a conversation.
  3. Don’t reopen old wounds. Now is the time to focus on the current problem. Why are you talking about the issue from last month or even last year? Once you decide to put an issue to rest, move on and don’t look back.
  4. Choose your words carefully. Your words are very powerful. Once it’s out, it’s out. So before you speak, think, “Am I really saying what I mean and am I hurting him or her by saying it this way?”
  5. Don’t take cheap shots. Resist the urge to be vindictive or to push his or her buttons. It can cause resentment over time and some jabs are impossible to fully recover from.
  6. No sugarcoating needed. If something’s bothering you, just say it. If something isn’t working, be honest about it. Your goal is to keep the peace, but by holding back, you’re creating a disservice for you, your mate and your relationship. Fake communication breeds fake results and chips away at trust, which is hard to build or regain.
  7. Ask questions. If you’re unclear about what your mate is really saying, definitely ask questions. It’s the only way to clear up any confusion.
  8. Pay attention. When you’re watching television or texting while your mate is talking — it makes him or her feel that they are not worth your undivided attention. Sit still and focus on the matter at hand.
  9. Your tone. Sometimes it actually has less to do with what you’re saying and more to do with how you say it. Even something your mate doesn’t want to hear can be easier to take when said in an effective tone.
  10. Let your mate finish. Don’t interrupt — remember, you should be listening anyway.
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