Brian K. Hamlett has a passion for people. He launched a new ministry to encourage others to have a healthy relationship with God.
Tell us your title and job description?
I am the manager of prevention programs for Us Helping Us, People Into Living Inc. The manager of prevention programs is responsible for the successful implementation of various effective behavioral interventions funded by the Centers for Disease Control, and various health departments in the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.
Tell us more about the function and purpose of Us Helping Us?
Us Helping Us, People Into Living Inc. is committed to improving the health and well-being of Black gay men through innovative programs and services and — through a vision of inclusiveness — to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS in the entire Black community.
What inspired you to be in the entertainment business as a model and actor?
Sarcastically speaking, I got into the entertainment business because of my good looks. Originally, I was inspired by encouraging friends who organized a photo shoot, posted them, and began modeling in shows in the D.C./Baltimore area. Not being one who is shy, I took every opportunity to talk to anyone, and by doing so, I met an extraordinary writer/director of stage plays backstage during a fashion show. That meeting led to an audition, and ultimately a lead role in my very first performance.
What type of roles are you most interested in?
I have played various roles in my acting career, including a single father, a married father of two, a policeman, and an overbearing obnoxious eldest son. What I enjoy most are roles which challenge me to explore actions, thoughts, and emotions that possibly are foreign to me as Brian; but take that compilation and make the character not only believable but also plausible to each individual audience member.
What does success look like to you?
Success is when my thoughts and actions consider the holistic health and prosperity of not only myself but to the betterment of others I am connected to.
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
I have a heart for people. Starting a ministry in the Washington, D.C. area was inspired by God and a desire to help those who choose, a restorative covenant with a focus on a healthy relationship with God, ourselves, and those connected to us individually. So ministering and speaking around the world encouraging others who seek change to embrace the principles we teach regarding personal restorative covenants.