Wendy Williams is never going to pass the opportunity to #SILYMI (say it like she means it) when it comes to hot topics. Today’s big question was pertaining to the split between Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. They have three sons and have been married for years and now they have decided to call it splits! Rossdale is allegedly demanding more than half of her fortune because he feels while she was out being the primary bread winner, he was at home raising the kids.
Even though Rossdale was a stay-at-home dad, he is still worth 35 million bucks in comparison to Stefani who’s worth 100 million bucks. I’m just saying. If Rossdale is worth $35 million, then he shouldn’t be asking for any spousal support because he’s rich, right? I mean since they are going to divorce now, won’t that make Gwen Stefani the primary caretaker again? Women typically ask for 50 percent of what the men are worth because the women are the ones that have the kids full time and make the childcare arrangements which calls for additional funds for support.
Men are arguing that Rossdale is entitled to the over 50 percent of what’s being demanded because if the tables were turned this wouldn’t be an issue. Sure, Rossdale paid his dues. We know he was a member of a 90’s band Bush. While sacrificing his position in the band to have a family, he actually could have been sacrificing the opportunity to be worth more than 100 million bucks himself. But wait. Isn’t it Gavin Rossdale’s trifling ways that landed him in divorce court in the first place?

First, Stefani learned of a relationship Rossdale admitted to having at age 17 (a one time shot) with a cross-dresser named Marilyn and now he’s what 49? Hmm, so if it was a one time fling then why was Marilyn their wedding? Also in 2004, a secret daughter popped up. Now she’s 26 years old and wants to have a relationship with her dad. With his daughter calling the house trying to get his attention and acquaint herself with her dad, do you think it was too much info for Stefani to handle? All these things are going on. Who knows what else we are not privy to know?
What do you think? Should a man be entitled to 50 percent of a woman’s worth in a divorce when he is also worth millions? Say it like you mean it with the hashtag (#SYLYMI) preceding your comments and maybe Wendy will share our rolling out comments on her website. Take a look at the clip after the jump.