God has been extremely generous to all of us. Because of His generosity towards us, we should be good stewards with what he has entrusted to us.
When was the last time you “paid it forward” even in the smallest of ways? I’m not talking about buying someone an expensive gift for a special occasion. No, something small that could shift someone’s entire day from being bad to good. When GA 400 had toll booths, I would sometimes pay for the car behind me. Nothing major, just 50 cents but that small gesture could have been the one thing that showed that driver, they are blessed, loved or just someone was thinking of them.
Being a giver is something that the bible teaches us we should do regularly and for the right reasons. Luke 6:38 reads, “give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
Luke is teaching us that a generous person who freely gives in order to benefit others, will prosper. But here’s the secret that most people miss: if you help others with the right motivation, you’re going to be blessed. We shouldn’t give just to get a tax write off, our name on a plaque or to gain favor in the sight of someone we’re trying to impress. No, we give because it’s the right thing to do to be a blessing in the lives of others. Don’t give for personal attention either. Also, a pastor taught me, “We shouldn’t give to be seen giving but we should be seen giving.” Our examples of giving encourages others to give to live blessed lives, too.
Some of you may think that your months already last longer than your money, so you can’t afford to give. Or, you have very little, so whatever you gave would be very little and not significant. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. In Luke 21:1-4, we read the story of the widow giving:
1 While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. 2 Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.[a]
3 “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. 4 For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”
She gave two mites, which was a very small amount of money. This was all she had. She didn’t allow her current circumstance to prevent her from being a blessing. She was in fact a lot richer than most because of her faith.
Here’s what we learn from her story: She gave according to her ability. She had a big heart. She was freely willing to give. The ability to give and the heart to give is a gift from God. When we give without expectations of receiving anything in return it shows we have God’s grace working in us.
As you complete the rest of this year, focus on being a (better) giver. Give cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7) and without expectation of payment in return.
Remember, we can never repay God. Our gift to Him is to love and worship Him.