5 questions with The BOSS Network’s LaToya J. Moore

LaToya J. Moore
Source: Twitter / @LaToyaJMoore

How did you come up with the concept for your latest venture, Write Camera Fashion?
After self-publishing my first book called As I Breathe, I’ve noticed that the hard part was not writing or publishing the book, but marketing and getting the book out there for the world to see. It has been tough to say the least, so with the ups and downs of being unknown, unseen and new to the game, it’s hard to build a fan base just off of what you think is solid. Write Camera Fashion came about with the intent to help highlight the talented, and give exposure to others as well as myself.

What do you do to stay on top of your game professionally?
I surround myself with people that are inspiring in every aspect of life. I’ve joined The BOSS Network organization in the midst of finding my way and building lasting relationships with other entrepreneurs. I have learned that surrounding yourself around knowledgeable individuals will supply growth to your shortcomings and award opportunities to get things right the first time around. I take notes, I research and I engage in conversations to make a lasting impression.

What should we expect when visiting writecamerafashion.com?
You should expect to see an abundance of colorfulness under one umbrella. Highlighting hidden talent by interviewing individuals that are business owners, authors, fashion experts, educators, you name it — WCF wants to “expose” the unseen. Even though our goal is to acknowledge the new talent, we still get a kick out of recognizing the already known. [How are you growing] if you’re not learning from experienced individuals that have already tackled your current goals? Also, WCF is used as a platform to “Capture life’s fabulous moments” of which we have a segment for highlighting Dope-chicks and Dope-dudes for their contributions to society and for overall being great people.

What advice would you give a budding entrepreneur or businesswoman?
I will tell that individual, if you constantly revisit the same thoughts, dreams and it’s leaning toward the same goal, than what are you waiting for? If something comes easy and not forced, mostly likely that’s the gift God has blessed you with, don’t be afraid to explore it, it’s yours; all you have to do is open it and embrace it, and guess what? It’s Free!

What does being a BOSS means to you?
BOSS – Brushing Off Sudden Setbacks is my redefined strategy for how I see being a BOSS. I have tackled some tough challenges in the midst of this journey, yet I still stand tall with knowing this expedition is not going unnoticed and God sees my perseverance to get to the finish line. I’ve lost my best friend throughout this experience — my mother, so I dare not sit back and allow life to pass me by without leaving lasting footprints; that is not an option. God makes no mistakes, so I will continue to move mountains and be the best “BOSS” I can be.

For more information about LaToya J. Moore, connect with her on Twitter at @LaToyaJMoore

The BOSS Network is a community of career and entrepreneurial women who support each other through conversation, online and event-based networking. Their mission is to promote and encourage the small business spirit and professional development of women. For more information on The BOSS Network, please visit www.thebossnetwork.org.

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