A Colorado charity group has brought needed holiday cheer to the homeless this season. The organization Cannabis Can handed out 1,000 pre-rolled joints and free meals to the homeless on Christmas Day in Denver where marijuana is legal. Nick Dicenzo, the founder of the non-profit Cannabis Can, stated, “‘Cannabis can make a difference,’ is kind of what we’re standing for…Merry Christmas, Happy Cannamas — would you like some rolling papers?”
Smoking marijuana in public is illegal in Colorado but you can give pot to people who are over the age of 21. The free pot giveaway is part of the non-profit group’s “Restrooms and Grooms” fundraiser. The purpose of the fundraiser is to purchase RVs to give the homeless regular access to restrooms, showers, and haircuts.
Dicenzo stated that he had a lot of marijuana left over from his personal grow and decided to distribute the joints.
According to Dicenzo, “You’re allowed to have six plants in a home grow here in Colorado, and its amazing how much one person can produce.”
Because he was not allowed to sell or commercially grow marijuana, it had no monetary value. When speaking to friends, someone said he should give it away and the new holiday of Cannamas was created. He gathered volunteers to help roll the 1Kjoints and gave them out over a 5-hour period last week. Over a pound and a half of weed was rolled by the volunteers and given to the homeless community.
Dicenzo has set up “Restrooms & Grooms” on GoFundMe to raise $10K to retrofit an RV with showers and a hair-styling station. According to Dicenzo, “When we talk with people on the street, so many of them mention the need for a haircut and regular showers.” It’s one of the biggest obstacles they face in getting employment.”
The distributed marijuana were premium strains known as Blue Dream and Caramelicious and defiantly brought holiday cheer to those who received a stimulating Christmas surprise.