The talented and sultry singer Mya is back with a brand-new EP that she executive produced herself, titled Smoove Jones. Mya’s debut single, “All About Me,” hit No. 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts in 1998. This new EP appeals to the grown and sexy demographic. Here, the beautiful international star discusses her endless love for music and talks about her future endeavors. Check it out.
Your new EP Smoove Jones definitely has a grown and sexy feel to it, how do you think it compares to your classics Mya and Fear of Flying?
Well, being that Smoove Jones is not an album, but a specific, conceptual experience played as a radio host, it’s different in that sense. But I specifically created a very grown, old-school approach rooted in R&B, soul and classic hip-hop. My actual albums usually have more of a pop and dance element to them.
You’ve done numerous collabs with some major stars in this industry, who was your favorite to work with?
On the collaboration side, the ladies of “Lady Marmalade” were my favorite.
On the song riting side, it was really awesome working with Wyclef
You’ve made a few TV cameos, is acting a newfound passion of yours too?
Exploring many different avenues, especially setting new challenges, has always fueled my passion for learning something new.

What’s your favorite song on the new EP, and how do you relate to that song?
“Hold On” — choosing positive thought and positive action, especially in times of frustration and pain.
Do you enjoy being an independent artist more than being on a major label?
I value attaining all of the knowledge being independent has taught me. But I’m a natural born Libra and thrive best when there is perfect balance. When all is in balance and perfect harmony, I enjoy things much more.
Are you a dancer first or a singer?
I’m a natural born musician first, which has allowed me the privilege of being able to sing, dance, play an instrument, arrange, produce. It’s literally in my DNA. My family is filled with amazingly talented painters, musicians, vocalists. Music is the true gift, which all of those skills naturally stem from.
How do you continue to stay relevant and innovative in this industry after 18 years?
I don’t pay attention to definitions or titles or try to fit within them.
I create my own space (Planet 9), live in that world, dream in that world and just do me, in hopes to share higher vibrations with others. It doesn’t hurt that my supporters are pretty awesome people.
Do you like a man with big feet and hands or a big heart?
I gravitate toward people with a big, sane, sound mind, and big heart with a soft spot for elders, children and animals.

Keep up with all of Mya’s music and more by visiting https://www.myamya.com/