New ‘Game of Thrones’ trailer has fans talking (spoiler alert)

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“You’re in the ‘Great Game’ now, and the game is terrifying.” With those words the latest trailer unveils hints for the sixth season of the HBO series “Game of Thrones” set to begin on April 24. Social media is ablaze with speculation on the fate of favorite characters from the book series by George R.R. Martin. But all fans of the series know that the show does not at all times stay to the events in the books. Recent trailers for the season premiere have fans guessing about what lies in store for their favorite characters in the upcoming season.

1) Is Jon Snow dead?
Last season saw Jon Snow, commander of the Nights Watch, viciously slain by fellow members of the Watch. His decision to allow Wildlings to pass through the Wall was met with anger and resentment by the brotherhood. However the trailers show the “Red Woman” Melisandre hovering over his body. Could she in fact resurrect Snow?

2) Daenerys Targaryen-The Khalessi in the hands of the Dothraki
Last season saw Daenerys Targaryen, aka Khaleesi, spirited away by her dragon, Drogon, after an attack by the Sons of the Harpy. She soon found herself surrounded by Dothraki riders and the new previews show her bound and taken to city of the Horsemen as a slave. What’s next for the “Mother of Dragons” and “Breaker of Chains”? Drogon is seen flying over an army of Dothraki warriors looking for his mother.

3) Arya Stark and the Faceless  Men
Arya has survived so much since her escape from Kings Landing and her arrival in Bravos. She broke the rules of the Assassins Guild and was struck blind for taking a face and exacting her personal revenge. The trailer shows her as a blind and bloodied beggar on the streets of Bravos.  Not knowing whether her siblings are alive or dead and realizing that House Stark is no more has the girl truly become no one?

4) Cersei Lannister and The Faith Militant face off
Cersei Lannister has been a conniving, incestuous, power hungry villainess throughout the series. Last season saw her finally get her due when imprisoned by The Faith Militant. The irony of her being the one who supported its power and then brought low delighted many fans.  After her infamous “Walk of Shame” through the streets of King’s Landing to the Red Keep she was humiliated and vengeful. There to greet her was the once dead Gregor Clegane, known as The Mountain. He now guards the Cersei and the trailer shows a face off between members of The Faith Militant and the heavily armored half-dead warrior.

5) Sansa Stark escapes
At the end of season five, Sansa Stark leapt from the high walls of the fortress of Winterfell into a snow bank. With her hand in hand was the traitorous Theon Greyjoy, now known as “Reek” as they attempt to escape the clutches of the sadistic Ramsey Bolton. The trailer shows female knight Brienne of Tarth riding from the woods and attacking a group of Ramsey Bolton’s warriors.

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