Well known singer and pastor Marvin Sapp apparently has an online stalker. What makes this woman unusual is the fact that she claims to be his new wife. The woman has created pages on Facebook under the name “Annisha Sapp” and lists in her personal information “Married to Bishop Marvin Sapp. Chosen by God. Wife, Mother, First Lady, US Government,Entrepreneur.” She states in her bio that she has been a US Immigration officer since 1998 and has been married since June 2001. In addition, her Twitter handle @FirstLadyAnnishaSapp/@IRSBYGOD2 states, “Married to Bishop Marvin Sapp. Wife, Mother, First Lady, US Government, Entrepreneur. Chosen by God. Rom 10:13 Whosoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved.”

Marvin Sapp is now speaking out and posted the following to his Facebook page: “#IMPORTANT This young woman has posted and has been posing as my new wife. SHE IS NOT MY WIFE!!!! The only reason why I’m posting this is not to put her on blast, however it is because she has placed a link onto her page as it pertains to my booking. PLEASE DONT BOOK THROUGH HER FACEBOOK OR TWITTER. Also please request from both media sites that her sites be shutdown/removed. Thank you all for your help and support.”
This has not stopped her from posting positive messages to Sapp about their relationship. The woman identifying herself as Annisha Sapp also created another Facebook page called “First Lady Annisha Sapp” that displays an image of Marvin Sapp as her cover photo. On this page she posts, “GOOD MORNING MY KING!!!!! www.marvinsapp.com I AM FEELING AMAZING RIGHT NOW!!!! I HAD A AN AMAZING TIME THIS MORNING!!!! I REALLY #ENJOYED EVERY MINUTE DOWN TO THE LAST DROP! THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME/YOU MADE MY DAY BABY!! I LOVING BEING WITH A REAL MAN JUST HOW I LIKE/LOVE IT! LOVE IT! #A #MAN.”