Adam Hilarie was looking for love when he met Haliey Bustos online to arrange a date in Auburndale, Florida. Hilarie, a 27-year-old father, went out with Bustos and the two had their first date. After the date, Hilarie took Bustos back to the location he picked her up from and returned home.
According WFTV, Bustos recruited three men to go to Hilarie’s apartment and rob him. When the men approached him, a scuffle ensued and one of he suspects allegedly shot and killed Hilarie. His body was found one day later in his apartment.
Although dating after meeting online doesn’t have the same stigma that it may have had 15 years ago, it’s still important for both men and women to be cautious when meeting someone new.
Here are several tips to consider.
Arrive separately:
By arriving separately, both individuals can maintain control without depending on the other for transportation. It helps to create an initial barrier and allows each party to decide if they would like to stick around without feeling obligated.
Meet in public:
Always meet at a place where a lot of people are present. Visiting someone’s home, or allowing them to visit your place, can be risky on the first date.
Contact a friend:
Be sure to tell a friend where you are going in case of an emergency. It could also be helpful to share your date’s social media page with your friend just in case the person needs to be identified.
Don’t drink too much:
Getting drunk on the first date could cause you to lose perspective and make poor decisions. Also, don’t allow the person to get you a drink without watching closely.
Following Halarie’s death, his family set up a GoFundMe page to help his 5-year-old daughter. Bustos and Andre Maurice Warner, 26, Gary Terrell Gray, 31, and Joshua Ellington, 26 have all been arrested and charged with first-degree murder.