The Game has been pretty loosed lipped these days when it comes ot his love life and he recently revealed that he’s slept with three Kardashian women in the past. One of them is allegedly Blac Chyna, who is set to officially become a Kardashian when she weds Rob Kardashian. Not surprisingly, Game’s admission has stirred up a lot of controversy in the public and now reports are claiming that it’s even causing drama between Chyna and Kardashian.
As previously reported, Game hinted at his sexual affairs with the Kardashian ladies this past week, both on the “Wendy Williams Show” while he was promoting his new album, 1992.
During his Williams interview, Game denied sleeping with Kris Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian, but he got suspiciously mum when Williams asked him whether he slept with Khloe or Kim Kardashian. However, he readily offered up Chyna as the third Kardashian that he’s slept with.
In his new song “92 Bars,” Game even claims that Chyna gave him some of the best oral sex of his life.
“Let me tell you who suck like banana Now and Laters/Blac Chyna head the bomb, Al Queda,” Game raps.
Well, according to news reports, sources say that Game’s raunchy lyrics caused a major argument between Chyna and Kardashian recently. Game has long been a friend to the Kardashian family, but sources say that Kardashian was blindsided with the news that Game had slept with his fiancée.
The sources say that Kardashian felt betrayed because he believes that Chyna should’ve told him about her sexual past with Game. However, Chyna allegedly argued that she slept with Game long before she began dating Kardashian.
However, sources say that after the argument, Chyna and Kardashian made peace and agreed that Game is the one to blame and that he is the one stirring up trouble, not Chyna.
Well, it wouldn’t be surprising if Kardashian and Chyna really did get into a fight over Game’s words because this is the kind of drama that happens when you kiss and tell.
What do you think of Game’s lyrics about Chyna and the Kardashians? Let us know in the comments.