Every entrepreneur has a dream brand. Is your dream brand average or amazing? Be honest, who wants to chase a mediocre dream? Being sort of wonderful or kind of great is not a great reason to jump out of bed in the morning. It won’t fuel you enough to put in the long nights and early mornings required to bring your dream brand to life.
Your brand should fill you with excitement and be driven by your passion. There is no such thing as a lazy, successful entrepreneur, especially when it comes to making big brands a reality. Dream brands are not just lofty goals that look good on paper. There is true work that goes along with going from dream to done.
So ask yourself:
“Am I doing enough?”
“Did I go the extra mile for my clients so that I stand out? Did I give them a reason to keep coming back?”
“Did I invest in myself either by taking the time to learn the latest, doing my own research or taking courses?”
“Am I surrounded by the best in my industry?”
“Am I forging my own path and being unique or am I using watered down versions of other’s success?”
Can you answer all of the questions above on a positive note? No? It’s time to look at what you are doing, and even more important — why you are doing it. Clients flock to amazing brands, brands that exude energy and excitement. Your dream brand should embody all of these elements for your clients.
Take some time this week as you get your weekly goals together to really define the fire behind your brand. Make it clear why your brand is amazing and make sure all of your actions align with the impression you want to make. Yes, that may mean making some changes, but it’s the beginning of the last quarter of 2016, if not now, then when?
Need more inspiration to step it up a notch while chasing your dream, read Chase your dreams: 9 business tips from successful entrepreneurs.