Tomi Lahren continues to spread her stupidity. Lahren recently discussed the Chicago incident where four Black teens attacked a White man and posted it on Facebook Live. Lahren foolishly compared the teens to Dylann Roof and suggested that they be given the death penalty.
“Are you freaking kidding me? This is the definition of a hate crime, and these four sick individuals deserve a seat on death row right next to Dylann Roof,” Lahren said.
Although the teens and young adults in Chicago will be punished and should be charged with a hate crime, they should not be compared to Roof. The teens in Chicago are misguided youth who committed an isolated act of violence. They don’t have followers who are likely to commit a similar crime.
However, Roof represents the youthful voice and actions of White supremacy. His terroristic act of racial violence led to the death of nine innocent Black churchgoers. There are a multitude of sick racists who look up to Roof for his hate and disregard for Black life. To compare Roof’s mass shooting to the Chicago attack is irresponsible and idiotic.
Furthermore, Lahren also claimed that the tables would be turned if the perpetrators in Chicago were White and the victims were Black.
“If the race roles were reversed here, can you imagine the coverage?” Lahren said. “The race of the assailants would be plastered on every deadline from here to Timbuktu, but if it doesn’t fit the race-baiting agenda of the left and their cohorts in the mainstream, it doesn’t quite get the same attention.”
But beyond media attention, racially-charged incidents need to lead to convictions. The police officers who brutally murdered Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner and many others are all free today. The justice system has a history of unequal justice when the victims are Black.
But until she takes time to read and fully comprehend the history of America when it comes to race, Lahren will continue to spread her misinformed views.